Next Phase While We Wait

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We are starting to populate our site with some partner links and advertisements. We need to point out these are not direct sales of pixels, but rather an alternative method of providing advertisements for our partners. We have partnered with Rakuten Marketing for affiliate sites. We had to make some adjustments to our site and to our terms and conditions to accommodate these types of ads, but nothing too major. The layout of their ads works nicely with our site. It will be fun setting this up, and exciting to see additional products and services being added to our site. Thank you to for being the first to come aboard.

Initial Campaign Unsuccessful

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Our initial campaign results from January were unfortunately not very promising. The campaign consisted of a letter we mailed out to 150+ potential clients. Yes, a letter. Old fashioned snail mail. From the 150+ letters, we received responses from 2 potential clients stating they were not interested at this time. Thank you for the responses. The rest, well, it was a black hole. No acknowledgements or responses. There was even some doubt in our minds whether the letters even made it out. But then, a small portion of letters were returned with a 'Return to Sender' stamp because of an invalid address. My bad. In my defense, some of the potential clients did not have mailing addresses on their websites, so I did the best efforts with the resources I had available.

Are we discouraged? Yes. Are we giving up? No. As the title says, 'Initial' campaign. There will be more.