Deleting Some Realms

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Back in October, 2015, we had attempted to corner the market with any realms which were similar to ours, mainly and We have had these realms on the slight chance that they could cause some confusion for our main realms.

However, looking at various tools on the usage of these realms, it did not warrant us to keep them any longer. It also made sense because of the cleanup we were doing as a result of our service provider shutting down parts of their service (see Previous Blog for more information). So effective today, we can only be reached at our primary domains, or

That's us ! ! !


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As a website developer, we have to serve our webpages from somewhere. There are many options available but we went with a VPS solution which stands for Virtual Private Server. We have been very lucky for many years with the provider we had chosen, URPad, at

Unfortunately, sometimes good things must come to and end. We received the following email from earlier this week:

Dear Al Paul,

This is a reminder that on Aug 22nd we will no longer be providing hosting or VPS services. If you have not already done so, we advise preparing to move your VPS and/or hosting account away from our network.

As mentioned in our last email, we have set up a migration agreement with Warpline Hosting (

This will allow you to sign up for hosting services with them, and allow for the migration of your data to them. Further details on their pricing plans can be found here:

Once you have signed up for an account with Warpline, please let us know the email address used for signup, and we will ensure your data is transferred to Warpline with minimal interruption of service. This move would require an IP change.

You are of course more than welcome to use any hosting provider you wish; however, we would not be able to facilitate migration of your data or content. We anticipate shutdown of service on or shortly after Aug 22nd.

With thanks,

The Urpad Team
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We have had a very good experience with them over the past many years. Great uptime, great website responses, overall great experience.

So there was a slight interruption last night as we migrated our website away from Thanks for all the great years of service URPad.Net, we had a great run will be missed.

Million Dollar Homepage Copycat?

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Is our site a copycat of the original Million Dollar Homepage? Let us know in our contact page. We would like to hear from you. We will post the results of this question on a following post.

Our Mission

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When the original Million Dollar Homepage was launched, it was a novel idea. It was something different. It was new. Pixels for sale. Could it be done? It peaked the curiosity of the internet. It became popular. It became viral.

We have a steep hill to climb to make this site as popular. Is our site a success? Yes. We have plenty of advertisers. Companies wanting us to advertise for them. Will it become as successful as the original? Probably not. But that doesn't matter.

Our site is different. It has a Pixel-for-sale style with better presentation for viewers and advertisers. Our advertisers are current. Our advertisements are current. We offer deals on clothing, travel, petcare, vitamins, geek stuff. We have a monthly giveaway. We are more than the original.

As for getting the word out? Many social media sites nowadays have policies and rules in place to not accept submissions to sites which are primarily "Advertising Sites". Many subreddits on reddit have that rule (InternetisBeautiful for example). Well guess what? I hate to break the news, but the 10 Million Dollar Page is strictly an advertising site. That is our purpose. Our site offers a lot of variety for our viewers.

If you build it, they will come. Our Mission. Enjoy

First Post of the 2018

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Another year is upon us and another year for We started our journey in 2015. Since that time there have been a number of changes made to the site, processes and content. We started our concept as a pixels-for-sale site which then turning into an affiliate promoting site. We have signed up with various affiliate providers, and recently have discontinued partnership with others all while maintaining our goals for our site. We are quite happy with the functionality of, both from a user experience perspective and from a partnership perspective. We have grown with our site, learning what works and what doesn't.

We look forward to the New Year, and all the success and pitfalls associated with it. This is the 10 million dollar page, an awesome and unique way to shop online. No other online shop is quite like ours.

Welcome to the future.