The 10 Million Dollar Page Animated GIF

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We have been adding partners and contest winners to the 10 Million Dollar Page over the past number of months. And anytime we make changes to the main GRID image, we record a snapshot of the image. So, for kicks, we put together an animated gif showing all the sites which were added between June 1st, 2017 to November 2nd, 2017 in the sequence they were added / deleted. Please note, that this is not a final animation. Since our site is never stagnant, always changing, there will be additional sites added and/or deleted over time.

Enjoy the show.

Note: We scaled down the animation to 1/4 size (ie. 250x250 pixels). Otherwise the animation would be over 30Meg in size. We may post the full size animation to YouTube.

10 Million Dollar Page Animated GIF